To store your repeat medication follow these steps:
- Tap Medication>Order Medication. Now select whether this e-consultation is for yourself or not.
- It will ask you ''Is this a regular repeat medication that you order?'', Select No.
- From the range of available options, please choose the appropriate option. However, please tap None of the above if you are not sure.
- Please select the appropriate answer to ''Who has prescribed this medicine for you''. Otherwise, select Other.
- You will now land at the My Repeat Medication page where you can add your medicine by tapping the 'Add Medicine'' page.
- Please search & select your medicine and submit it. You will also need to choose Dosage and Quantity Required to complete the operation.
- Once done, proceed further accordingly.
- On the final page, it will ask you to select the pharmacy where you want to pick up your medication, please find and select.
- Tap Finish.